Comic-Con International: San Diego 2001 Program
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Writers / Artists
Jeff Smith, Clayton A. Moore, Dave Garcia, Laurie J. Anderson, Bill Morrison, Jeffrey Moy, W.C. Carani, Anne Timmons, Philip Moy, Roger May, Nick Burns, Amanda Kurley, Christine Shea, Benjamin Alvarez, Ted Slampyak, Kevin Sano, J.P. Little, Barry Barnes, Sandeson Gonzaga, Rico Renzi, Bill Maus, Janet L. Hetherington, Shannon Wheeler, Christopher Blake Williams, Patrick Atangan, Andre Freitas, Stuart Sayer, Ray Murtaugh, Scott Beaderstadt, Turtel Onli, Manuel S. Villalovos, Paul F. Chabot, Ken J. Velarde, Stewart McKenny, Gary Lau, Tatiana Gill, Ronnie del Carmen, Jose Antonio Colon, Ronaldo Barata, Dori Belmont, Jennifer Menken, Sarah Pate, Tom Porta, Ralph Rawson Werner, Bradley C. Rader, Tom Fish, Rod Espinosa, Neil Southwell, Alan Boutwell, James Garrovillas, Brittany Marie Arcila, Monte Moore, Tim Burgard, Mark Lucas, Gary Sassaman, A. David Lewis, Alex Horley, Giorgio Comolo, Scott Shaw!, Frankie Lim Galang, Michel Gagne, Josep Blas, James Reddington, Matthew Jeffrey, Robert W. Pope, Dustin Weaver, Robert W. Zailo, Tao Nguyen, Ruben Almazan, Eric Wolfe Hanson, Neil Vokes, Clifford M. Jomuad, Luis Enciso, Aaron Humphres, Raymond Thomas, Humberto Arcila, Carl Taylor, Skidone, Matt Lorentz, Rod Mojica, Wardell Brown, Ron Williams, Brett Weldele, Jeff Rebner, Rick Schmitz, Donna Barr, Wendy Peabody, Don Flaws, Adrien Noterdaem, Randy Reynaldo, Brian Hudson, Jay Laird, Andre Fairon, Donato, Chris Trevas, Saverio Tenuta, R. Ward Shipman, Doug Clair, Stan Sakai, Robert Baker, Troy Little, Phil Keene, Erin Johnson, Chris Crosby, Vince Bayless, Alonso Nunez, John Smallwood-Garcia, Karen Lnk, Josh Sullivan, Dave Shelton, Michael Jantze, Michael Mallory, R.C. Harvey, Patrick Hatfield, Livesay, Kelly Goodine, Batton Lash, Glenn D. Brown, Mark Englert, Bert Mickasso Kimura, Brad West, John K. Perez, William Clausen, Levy Feiteira Jr., Joseph Bowen, Homeros Gilani, David Olivarez Jr., Al Weisner, Enrique Robledo, Michael Morris, Jeff Amano, Jack Kirby, Frankie Serna, Arne Ratermanis, Eric Yonge, Terry Wilson, Chris Edwards, Philip Thong, Rodrigo Zafe Jr., John Fang, Earl Martin, Nicholai Ratermanis, Theo Tso, Mario Gully, Roland Paris, Jeff Bonivert, J.S. High, Scott Bruns, Rick Forgus, Jay Willson, David Wilfred Burton, Greg Huneryager, Conrad W. Rudy, Alberto Ponticelli, M.F. Cheo, Scott Craw, Gabriel Hernandez, Jacinto Hernandez, Brett Cantrell, Eric Jansen, Rob Osborne, Vinton T. Heuck, Carl Barks, Shane Shellenbarger, Geoffrey Blum, Marc Nadel, Errol McCarthy, Ken Kramer, Michael A.S. Smith, Roman Arambula, Joshua Quagmire, Timo Ronkainen, Steve Leialoha, William Stout, Jackie Estrada
Page Count (including covers in most cases)
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Interior color
Binding Type
Contents include pieces on Barb Rausch and Golden Age writer Dorothy Woolfolk as well as art sections in tribute to Wonder Woman's 60th anniversary, Fantastic Four's 40th anniversary, Bone's 10th anniversary, Captain America's 60th anniversary, Carl Barks' 100th birthday and The Lord of the Rings.
Characters appearing in artwork (might be original to the issue or reprinted material)
Fone Bone, Wonder Woman, Huey Dewey & Louie, Beany & Cecil, Captain America, Scrooge McDuck, Fantastic Four, Hobbits, GoGirl, Harley Quinn, Sub-Mariner, Dr. Doom, Galactus, Dragon Man, Mole Man, Watcher, Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins, Gollum, Donald Duck, Usagi Yojimbo, Radioactive Man, Red Skull, Bucky Barnes, Baron Zemo, MODOK, Nick Fury, Giant Man, Thor, Iron Man, Falcon, Shaloman, Miss America, Cutey Bunny
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