Matt Comics #1
Solo collection of early, non-stick-figure comics by Matt Feazell.
Generally speaking, Not Available printings beyond the 1st have a date stamp on the front or back cover which is the printing date of the batch that copy was from. Matt Feazell says those post-1st printings were usually 60 copies or fewer.
1st printing appears to be March 1983.
Other known printings:
January 17, 1987
Matt Feazell's written response to question of print run for Matt Comics #1:
"Can't remember for sure at this point. The original printing master has a Post-It® note stuck on it that says in not-my-handwriting, "12 copies on reg. white." The 12 is crossed out and "20" is written nearby. So I'll go out on a limb and say the first printing was 12 copies and second printing onward was 20 copies each."
Matt (:|)—