Comics F/X #09
Listing Details
Colin Upton, Wayno, Bryan Robles, Derek McCulloch, Ken Leach, Lori Icke, Matt Feazell, Luisa Felix, Bruce Sweeney, Brad W. Foster, John MacLeod, Andrew Kyle, Kyle Miller, Matt Jackowiak, Donald Rooum, Edd Vick, Kenny Moran, Chris Lightfoot, Jeff Wood, Jose Montes, Jim Siergey, Carole Sobocinski, Roberta Gregory, Edd Vick, John Hartman, Mike Dungan, A.P. McQuiddy
There's a focus on Canadian comics and cartoonists in this issue. Contents include interviews with Colin Upton and Chester Brown; Q&As with John MacLeod, Julie Doucet, Jacques Boivin, Sylvie Rancourt, others; the regular comic strips but with different artists (Rooum draws Siergey's "Waldo & Emerson", for example); more.
Roughly 11½ x 16½"