Comic-Con International: San Diego 1998 Program
Tributes in art and writing to the Legion of Super-Heroes, Superman, Elfquest, comics for boys and girls, and Archie Goodwin.
Appearances by other characters include Bizarro Superman, Cutey Bunny, George Reeves, Christopher Reeve, Dean Cain, Justice League of America, Ralph Kramden, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Robert Redford, Sonambulo, Supergirl, Wonder Wart-Hog, Underdog, Super Goof, Mighty Mouse, Super Chicken, Darkseid, Akiko, Chronos, Mavis, Venus, Big Boy, Katy Keene, Patsy Walker, Millie the Model, Usagi Yojimbo, The Little Monsters, Melvin Monster, Spooky and Sailor Moon.
Editor: Dan Vado, Art Director: Scott Saavedra.
Roughly 8¼ x 11" (8½ x 11" trimmed)